For the past 3 weeks I've been hanging out with Dramatic people doing dramatic things. We put on a production that has been described as 'Weird', 'Short' and 'Crazy' by various people, amongst other things.
Waiting at the Edge of Nowhere is a play following three different storylines - that of an argumentative couple on the cusp of a big decision, that of a blind man attempting to recall an accident he witnessed through sounds, smells and tastes he felt at the time, and that of a group of schoolkids on the verge of breaking the law for the first time...
Part of the Finale - includes pyroteknix!!
Press release <- This may help make a little more sense of it!
It was a really rushed production - we devised it, wrote it, choreographed it and composed for it in only 2 weeks, and then had a further 3 days rehearsals before the show dates, which were the 10th, 11th and 12th of February. Good fun though. Myself and Gerard Haughian made the music and sound design for the show. We used a lot of Foley in our creation of the sounds - the actors brought in found objects that they felt reflected their mood/gestures/text in a scene, and we made it into 'music'. Some of the music was created live each night using Max/MSP loops and others were cued from the director's box. Sophy Smith was our musical director, Stevie Prickett directed, and additional writing was by James Johnson
Max/MSP patch for warping sounds live, used in rehearsals mainly to come up with content on-demand